United Kingdom and Ireland
April 15, 2019

Notre-Dame in flames, mirror of our times.

Notre-Dame collapses in fire at the beginning of Holy Week.

Although the fire may be accidental, this looks like a symbol of our times of Catholic apostasy and Christian persecution. The flames destroying this Gothic jewel figure the culpable ‘amnesia’ of our Western elites, sabotaging the Christian legacy of Europe and further afield.

Let us pray that all may realise what the civilised world owes to the centuries of Christendom past. Let all tourists fall on their knees and become pilgrims or, more fittingly, penitents with us as Our Lord is about to die for all sinners in but four days, on Good Friday. Through pictures online, let all children for whom Notre-Dame only evoked a Disney cartoon be taught the splendour of the Truth once displayed on the divine stained glass windows, now probably lost forever.

The French Revolution had suppressed Catholic worship and turned Notre-Dame into a ‘temple to the goddess Reason’, whose part was played by a prostitute standing on the altar. Through God’s mercy and after many martyrs, Paris’ glorious cathedral was given back to the true worship of the true God, Jesus Christ. Let us beg God for the same grace to be granted us before long, not only in Notre-Dame, but all across our former Christian countries, and the world over.

As an encouragement, take a look (and pray) at the pictures of last year’s Pilgrimage of Christendom, starting from Notre-Dame every Eve of Pentecost: http://www.nd-chretiente.com/index-eng.php…

Lord Jesus, Lady Mary, have mercy!

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